Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My favorite trip

I think I'm a very luky person, because I have had the posibility of travel a lot. But definitely my most significant trip was last year to Buenos Aires Argentina to the "Latin American Sociology Congress". I went with my best friends of the carrear, and we had to make a lot of activities before for raising the money ( even a "tallarinata" in the faculty).
As we didn't had much money, we went on a bus, that took 24 hours from Santiago to Buenos aires. Nevertheless we had a lot of fun in that trip.
When we arrived, we went to the our Hostel in San Telmo village, it was very nice, we stayed in a colective room with 10 beds!
In the city we walk and we visit a lot of places like La Boca, and the Obelisco, we ate a looooot of pizza and we party a lot.
However, we hardly went to the Congress in UBA, because we where to busy turisting the town, the few presentations we went where very interesting, and had very important speakers.
This trip was so important to me because we effort a lot for going and I had a really good time with all my friends, we became more close as a group. I would defititely repeat the experience, that's why I'm expecting the next SociologĂ˝ Congress in Brasil!

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