Tuesday, April 13, 2010


On Febrary 27th, I arrived home early, and I ate with my parents as we always do. That night I needed to go to my old job ( I worked as a waitress in a Pub near my house), to receave my payment of that month, I had to go very late at night so the manager could have enought money to pay me. Like 2 am, finally I receave my money and I could go home to sleep.

I had just started sleeping when my mother waked me up because she got scared of a very long tremor. We couldn't understand what was happening until we realized that we needed to hugg eachother for avoid fallin in the floor. Through the window we saw a lot a cables and light post crushing eachother, I though that beside an earthqake, there was a storm outside, so I got really scared, because I didn't understand and I couldn't belived what was happening.

As soon as the earthquake stopped, my mother went to see my father (that was asleep and DIDN'T felt anything), and I went to see my grandmother that was very scared at her room.

1 comment:

  1. On SP Febrary 27th, I arrived home early, and I ate with my parents as we always do. That night I needed to go to my old job ( I worked as a waitress in a Pub near my house), to SP receave my payment of that month, I had to go very late at night so the manager could have SP enought money to pay me. Like 2 am, finally I SP receave my money and I could go home to sleep.

    I had just started ^ sleeping when my mother WW waked me up because she got scared of a very long tremor. We couldn't understand what was happening until we realized that we needed to SP hugg eachother for avoid SP fallin WW in the floor. Through the window we saw a lot a cables and light post crushing eachother, I though that beside an earthqake, there was a storm outside, so I got really scared, because I didn't understand and I couldn't WF belived what was happening.

    As soon as the earthquake stopped, my mother went to see my father (that was asleep and DIDN'T felt anything), and I went to see my grandmother that was very scared at her room.

    Well done Paloma!!
    I´m glad you got the money just before the earthquake! and your grandfather was lucky since he didn´t hear anything...

    remeber to introduce more the topic and finish it a bit more
