Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Hobbies

It's hard to think on an specific hobbie in wich I spend my free time. It's just that I don`t have much free time to spend. I don't practice sports or play any musical instrument, I don`t have interest on photography or nature. It seems that I'm a very boring person.
On my free moments I like to do very normal things like read some good novel, or watch a movie, or see my friends and family, or just sleep for a long time.
I like doing that kind of stuff because it relax me, it's like the only moment that I have for spending time on me and the people I love.
I would like to do more interesting stuff like ride on my bicicle or painting ( I really like painting), but I can do that just when I'm on vacations and I have enought time. When I was at school, I had time for doing more sports (like volleyball), but since I start studing at the university, I need to focus my time on my carrear

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


On Febrary 27th, I arrived home early, and I ate with my parents as we always do. That night I needed to go to my old job ( I worked as a waitress in a Pub near my house), to receave my payment of that month, I had to go very late at night so the manager could have enought money to pay me. Like 2 am, finally I receave my money and I could go home to sleep.

I had just started sleeping when my mother waked me up because she got scared of a very long tremor. We couldn't understand what was happening until we realized that we needed to hugg eachother for avoid fallin in the floor. Through the window we saw a lot a cables and light post crushing eachother, I though that beside an earthqake, there was a storm outside, so I got really scared, because I didn't understand and I couldn't belived what was happening.

As soon as the earthquake stopped, my mother went to see my father (that was asleep and DIDN'T felt anything), and I went to see my grandmother that was very scared at her room.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My name is Paloma Molina Díaz,
I'm a Sociology student of Chile University and I'm on third year of the carreer.
I'm 20 years old and I live in Peñalolen, Santiago with my parents.
I like to listen to music, read about different subjects, and reaserch about interesting stuff.