Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My favorite author

During my career I had read a lot of different authors that I have like and also dislike. But definitely my favorite one has been Karl Marx. He born in Tréveris, Germany on the year 1818, watching by his own eyes the develop of the rising capitalism in Europe. He wrote a lot of books with his partner and friend Friederich Engels, and they had a lot of influence in the XX century politics, philosophy, and economy.

Basically, they described very well the beginnings of the Capital, and how the production process becomes from the big contradiction between the social productions relationships, and the property of the production resources. All this results on the exploitation of the workers.

Marx and Engels arrives to the conclusion that the workers, or the proletarians, have to fight and liberates from the bourgeois, because is very unfair. They wrote famous books like the “Communist Manifiest”

I like them, because they made a huge transformation in the history, since their work a lot of workers get organized and fought against the injustice. Sometimes with good results, and other times with bad results, the important is that it make an historical change.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My blogging experience

To start with, I should say that I’m a very unsociable person. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a shy girl, I have a lot of friends, and a boyfriend, and I don’t get nervous when I’m going to talk with someone else. It’s just that I’m very closed with my feelings and my personal stuff. Nowadays, it’s a little bit odd, because everybody likes to tell to anyone their personal stuff (even to people they don’t know, like in the subway, or in a bus), expects advises, and basically, someone to leave it out.
I’m not like that, I don’t like to tell my stuff, or that people ask me where I am going. Also, I don’t feel attracted to those new ways of communication, like facebook, or MySpace, twitter, fotolog, etc. So obviously I have never had I blog, a virtual space where to write about me. At this point I should say that it hasn’t been a horrible or terrible experience, but it’s a little bit strange to me.
I can’t say although, that I have enjoyed the blog. What I can say is that it’s has been very nice is the exercise of writing in English and thinking in English again. Since high school that I didn´t do that, and it has been pretty nice. I sometimes get tired of reading and reading all the time, and that it`s the moment when I remember all those different things that I did in high school. Also it`s very important to refresh the memory and continue learning.
I definitely improve my English doing this blog, because you have to think a lot to write in another language, that’s one of the main advantages. Also that the system it’s funniest and nicer than just write in a piece of paper, it’s more interactive. The disadvantages are that…sometimes the posts disappear!! That`s happens when you are not very familiar to this technology.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My Ideal Job!

When I decided to study sociology, when I was at school, I only knew that I wanted to know more about society and that I liked to reaserch. I make a few reaserch proyects when I was at my senior year and I had a really good time. That's when I thought that if I could spend my life making social reaserchs and reading interesting theories I would be very happy.

My ideal job would be on the feld of the social reaserch, developing instruments that alow me know the society. Maybe on themes of genre, childhood, inequality or labor. The problem is that there are so few opportunities to work doing that! that's why I would be happy wolking for any organization that need a sociologist like me. Now, If I have too choose, I would be very happy working at CEPAL or at CLACSO, that are like the biggest reaserch organization in Latin America. If I work there I would make mayor reaserch in all Latin America. Also if I can visit more countries would be great. I would't mind to travel all the time.

Of course I would like to work with important people, or other sociologist with more experience. Working in pairs or in a group is always best than alone. Because the analisys, and the ideas became deepest and you can get extended conclusions.

I can't say why working at reaserch makes me so happy, it just does. It's just that , as far you go in the social reaserch, as far you can reveal contradictions or aspects that aren't seen. I don't know if you get me, but it's like my vocation. Also, working for an important reaserch organization, open the opportunity of get a lot of resources for your work. It would be great for my carrear and my curriculum to work in one of those organizations, after that I could work anywhere!.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Stereotypes in Facso!

When I arrived to Facso for the first time, I didn’t know where to look, there were so different styles and everything, that I was amazed. That happens when you came from a school where everybody uses a uniform, so they all look the same. But getting to the university it’s completely different, because everybody it’s trying to look cool, and have an original stile.
Sadly, as they are all trying to be different, and impose a fashion, in a few days all the “socialins” start locking as the same, and that`s when we can start talking about stereotypes. Curiously, Facso, hasn`t have many kind of stereotypes, but I will to try to describe you the most typical ones.
Basically, you have “the hippies”, those people that uses handmade cloth, even though this it’s very expensive, also some light sandals, long and (sometimes) dirty hair. They love to be laughing all the time, and to smoke strange thing on the grass of Gomes Millas.
The other ones that are very typical too, are “the intellectuals”, those people tries to look serious. There are usually talking about difficult stuff that nobody cares. They learn textually all the chapters of the books they read, and they love to win the discussions
I don’t like very much those styles, so I don`t belong to those